
Grants and Public Funding-Contracts

Grants and Public Funding for PhD Holders

Grants for contracting scientists and other professionals devoted to innovation

Grants offered by the UPC



Grants offered by Catalan Institutions


You can find a list of all post-doc grants offered by the Generalitat de Catalunya following this link.


Grants offered by the Spanish Goverment



Furthermore, some public research centres have their own grant schemes, such as:

  • Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, through its Committee for the Furthering of Studies initiative (JAE) that includes grants aimed at the completion of PhD dissertations at CSIC centres or institutes and the contracting of PhD holders and scientific and technical personnel. Information point:
  • The Instituto de Salud Carlos III has grant schemes aimed at researchers in the field of biomedicine and health sciences for the completion of PhD dissertations, professional training and enhancement contracts and stays at Spanish and foreign health centres. Information point:

Grants offered by European Institutions


Funding opportunities for contracting researchers are structured in FP7 through the People Program - Marie Curie Actions. Researchers wiith at least 4 years of research experience or holders of a PhD Title can apply to the following actions:


  • Career Integration Grants (CIG). The Career Integration Grant helps getting a stable position in a European research institution by providing a flat rate contribution towards your research costs. These may, for example, contribute to the salary costs of the researcher or other staff employed for the project, travel costs, consumables, patent costs and/or publication costs. The grant will cover a period of 2 to 4 years. You must have been actively engaged in research, but you cannot have carried out your work in the country of your host organisation for more than twelve months over the last three years.
  • Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (IEF). IEF funding is provided for advanced training and career development. This may include the acquisition of new and/or complementary skills, and transnational mobility. The project is based on a personal career development programme agreed between the researcher and the supervisor at the host organisation. Financial support is provided for a period of 12-24 months (full-time equivalent).
  • International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF). IOFs are for researchers who are nationals of EU Member States and Associated Countries. IOFs fund advanced training in a higher-level organization, established in a Third Country (*). They include a salary for the researcher and a contribution to research-related costs. Financial support is provided for 12-24 months in the outgoing phase, plus a returning phase of 12 months to an organization in a EU Member State or Associated Country.
  • International Incoming Fellowships (IIF). Researchers of any nationality active or recently active in Third Countries (*) are eligible for an IIF. Funding is provided for a research project which will transfer knowledge into your host organisation and building or enhancing collaborations between Europe and the rest of the world. Financial support is provided for 12-24 months (full-time equivalent).

(*) Third Country: Countries that are neither EU Member States nor Associated Countries.