
Seminaris de formació doctoral: Electrònica Industrial i de Potència

Doctoral training seminars on selected research topics at the Department of Electronic Engineering: Track Industrial and Power Electronics


27/03/2014 de 16:00 a 20:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)


Sala de Conferències ETSEIAT, Building TR5 Campus Terrassa UPC

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Doctoral training seminars on selected research topics at the Department of Electronic Engineering: Track Industrial and Power Electronics.
March 27th, 16:00, Sala de Conferències ETSEIAT, Building TR5, Campus Terrassa UPC. Detailed Program.

  • Improvement of driver to gate coupling circuits for SiC MOSFETS, by Prof. Josep Balcells.
  • Energy Management for Grid-PV-Diesel Hybrid Systems, by Prof. Francesc Guinjoan.
  • Intelligent Energy Management Systems in Industrial Plants, by Prof. José Luis Romeral.
  • Modeling and Nonlinear Control of Threephase Voltage-Sourced Converters, by Prof. José Luis García de Vicuña.
  • Hybrid Modulators for conducted EMI suppression in modular-parallel topology, by Prof. David González.
  • Research samples by the Research Group in Power Electronics (GREP), by Prof. Josep Bordonau.
  • Intelligent Monitoring Systems for Plant Condition Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance, by Prof. Juan Antonio Ortega.

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