
Jorge Eduardo Higuera Portilla

Ph.D. Thesis title:
Contribution toward interoperability of wireless sensor networks based on the ieee 1451 standard for environmental monitoring applications


Jorge Eduardo Higuera Portilla


José Polo Cantero I Ramon Pallàs Iareny

Reading date:



This thesis studies the interoperability challenges that arise in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) based on smart sensors that employ the IEEE1451 global and open standardization, to increase their harmonization in pervasive environments to adapt their operation in environmental monitoring tasks. In particular, smart sensor nodes have been used to test technical interoperability based on the physical layer and Medium Access Layer (MAC) IEEE802.15.4. Further challenges to study the interoperability are based on the IEEE1451 standard for smart sensors in WSN. Different smart sensors based on IEEE 802.15.4. ZigBee, 6L0WPAN, or RFID are modeled by using Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) architectures, to model a base station as gateway IEEE1451 Network Capable Application Processor NCAP and other Wireless Transducer Inteifyce Modules WTIM as a sensor node. The challenge was to establish an alternative method for designing sensor devices based on the IEEE1451 standard, using header compression tc define the structure of each Transducer Electronic Data Sheet TEDS, and another method for header compression with 1EEE1451 by using low-level commands with WTIM and NCAP. Furthermore, we propose to achieve interoperability in the upper-layer by using Web services b3sed on a Representational State Transfer (REST) model that can be used in small IEEE1451 sensor nodes to measure environmental events. In addition, we describe several case studies using IEEE1451 autonomous nodes, such as an alternative to traditional on-board sensors for air quality stations, which are used for environmental monitoring. Finally, the tests performed can be applied to applications that demand innovative services to develop intelligent nodes with more autonomy, low power consumption and low cost to Improve monitoring tasks and to enhance their Interoperability, and intended for environmental monitoring.