
Specialization Courses

Students that have started their doctorate studies may be interest to follow specialization courses offered by some Master degree, either becasue they received the assignment of formative complements with their admission, or just becasue they wish to complete their formation, after agreement with their tutoring professor. Registration of these courses is done within the doctoral studies, see the Registration section for more information.

In this page you will find a list of specialization courses included in different Master degrees offered in UPC, all of them taught by professors of the Doctoral Program in Electronic Engineering, and related with the different research areas of the Program. Please take this information as orientative. Updated information, including detailed programs and timetable, will be found in the websites of the Schools that offer the different Master degrees.

The language of the courses is indicated as ES (Spanish), CAT (Catalan), ENG (English). All courses in the Master in Electronic Engineering are offered in English. The column Term indicates the semester of the academic year in which each course is offered.

Devices and Microsystems

Acronym Term Language Offered at

Coordinating Professor

Electronic Devices Modelling EDM Spring ENG
Master EE Lopez Gonzalez, Juan Miguel
MEMS. Microelectromechanical Systems MEMS Fall ENG Master EE Castañer, Luis
Advanced control of sensors and actuators ACSA Spring
ENG Master EE Domínguez Pumar, Manuel
Photovoltaic Systems PVS Spring
ENG Master EE Castañer, Luis
Optoelectronics and Photovoltaic technology Fall ENG Master in Photonics Alcubilla Gonzalez, Ramon


Integrated Circuits and Systems

Language Offered at Coordinating Professor
Custom Smart Adaptive Systems CSAS Spring ENG Master EE Moreno Arostegui, Juan Manuel
Radiofrequency Integrated Circuits and Systems RICS Spring ENG Master EE Aragones Cervera, Xavier
Analog and Mixed-Signal System-On-Chip Design AMS Spring ENG Master EE Cosp Vilemma, Jordi
Electronic Design of Body Area Networks Fall ENG Master EE Moll Echeto, Francesc
System on Chip Physical Design SCPD Spring ENG Master EE Rubio Sola, Antonio



Power Electronics Acronym Term
Offered at Coordinating Professor
Energy Management for Distributed and Integrated Systems EDIS Fall ENG Master EE Alarcon Cot, Eduard
Alternating Current Energy Converters: Design, Control and Applications ACEC Fall ENG Master EE Busquets Monge, Sergi
Modelling, Simulation and Control of Power Electronic Systems MOSIC Fall
ENG Master EE Castilla Fernández, Miguel
Power Control for Renewable Energy Systems PCRES Spring ENG Master EE Guinjoan Gispert, Francesc


Instrumentation and Measurements

Offered at Coordinating Professor
Ultrasonic Systems. Instrumentation and Applications US Spring ENG Master EE Salazar Soler, Jordi
Electronics Instrumentation Systems for Marine Applications EIS Spring ENG Master EE del Río, Joaquín
EMC in Electronic Design EMC Fall ENG Master EE Silva Martínez, Ferran
Biomedical Instrumentation Design BID Fall
ENG Master EE Fernández Chimeno, Mireia