
Transversal formative activities

Students in the research phase of their PhD are expected to follow formative activities in transversal skills (cross-training) organized either by the doctoral Program, the Doctoral Schools, other units in UPC, or other organisms external to this University, with the agreement of the thesis advisor.

The student must take in mind his/her professional future, and is thus encouraged to complement his/her formation, aquiring skills that will give added value when finishing the thesis, or attending activities that will help him/her to know the role and competences expected for a Doctor in the industry. Also, these formative activities help to to achieve competences that the PhD student must have acquired at the end of his/her doctorate. Topics of these formative activities in transversal skills include entrepreneurship, socio-professional skills, project management, patent management and research valorization, language and communication skills, professional guidance, etc.

The CAPD of the Electronic Engineering Program requests that a minimum of 10 hours or formative activities in transversal skills (cross-training) must be justified by the end of the 2nd year of the doctorate. This will be verified in the Annual Tutorship Evaluation, and is a requirement to get a positive evaluation for students in their 2nd year of their doctorate (note 1). This requisite can be justified by the following means:
  • Transversal training courses and seminars organized by the Doctoral School of UPC (note 2), other units of the UPC (note 3) or UIB, or other organizations outside the University (note 4), with attendance certificate reporting the number of hours.
  • Attendance to Doctoral research forums (note 5), workshops PhD-Industry, organized by the program, the UPC and the UIB, or other entities, with attendance report.
  • Making part of the thesis in a private industry, accredited through an university-company agreement or an industrial doctorate program.
  • Research stay in another national or foreign research center, accredited with a report issued by the responsible of the stay at the hosting institution (stay may be completed or in progress, minimum two weeks, although it is recommended that stays fulfill the requisites to obtain the International PhD Mention).

These activities should be included in the Doctoral Student Activity Report. Students regulated by RD 99/11, please use this form.


    Note 1: Unless the CAPD considers that, for two consecutive years, the number and quality of transversal formation activities organized by the Program or by the Doctorate School has been inadequate.
    Note 2: The Doctoral School of UPC promotes the organization of cross-training activities, check regularly the offer following this link.
    Note 3: Examples: the Innova Program in UPC, or UPC Alumni.
    Note 4: Examples: Barcelona Activa , Acc1Ó.
    Note 5: Example: the Forum on PhD Research organized by this Program.